
Letters Written on Our Hearts

A Thanksgiving Invite You Won't Want To Miss
Tuesday, December 1, 2020 by Rosie J. Williams

How many times have you heard “what are your plans for Thanksgiving this year?”. Maybe this is a year where you will not be able to be with family or friends. It could be that you will be alone. 

Whatever the case, I would like to remind you that we have all been invited to dine at Christ’s table. In Psalm 23, He prepared a table for David in the presence of his enemies. His enemies could only observe as David’s head was anointed with oil which was a traditional gift given to esteemed guests. His cup was more than full, it was overflowing. In the same way, God wants us to feast at His table, no matter our situation. He is a gracious host who shepherds his people with care, meeting us at our point of need. Not only did the Good Shepherd provide for David’s physical needs, He led him to a place of rest and quiet, and then He restored his soul, not for a day or a week, but an act of loving-kindness that followed David all the days of his life.

“While a shepherd provides his sheep with food, rest, and restoration, God provides His sheep with His Word, which is the principle means of giving spiritual nourishment, rest, and restoration. Goodness and loving-kindness are probably the two most comforting attributes of God’s character for the Christian. They are especially consoling in times of distress. As a guest at God’s table, his enemies no longer stalk David; instead God’s goodness pursues him. God not only walks before us, leading us to places of rest and refreshment, but His goodness follows us from behind as well.” (www.bible.org) 

As I was thinking about banquet tables, my mind immediately went to an unlikely one!

It was my grade school lunchroom table, where I sat glowing, looking up at my daddy date, just so happy that my dad came all dressed up to the father-daughter banquet. I felt special knowing my dad wanted to spend this time with me.

As we think about God knocking on the door of our heart, waiting to invite us to dine with Him, let us open that door w/ eager expectation.
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“Look, I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.” (Revelation 3:20 NLT) My prayer is that as we draw close and listen during that dinner conversation, that we will hear in our hearts and spirits the individual God designed purpose he has for each one of us. May we allow the Spirit of the Living God to breathe new life into our quiet time, and may we never be the same.

Excerpts taken from Repurposed Faith: Breathing New Life Into Your Quiet Time

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