Home Front of Topeka
Point Man International Ministries of Topeka serves the veterans and/or active military personnel that are attending a seven week inpatient stress disorder treatment program at the Colmery O’Neil V.A. Medical Center. They represent all ages who have served from WWII through Iraqi Freedom.
This Outpost was started in 1995 by Gene and Karolyn Roles and Steve and Rosie Williams and is dedicated to serving warriors, both male and female, who have an anxiety disorder known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). We encourage emotional and spiritual support to the soldier’s families through Home Front, also a part of Point Man.
A home cooked “welcome home meal” is prepared for them each Tuesday evening that lets them know we are proud to have them at our tables, deserving our best. Volunteers from local churches assist with meal preparation. To date, we have served over 11,000 meals to over 1,400 veterans and soldiers from all military branches and states, each served with respect and honor for their military service. When they graduate from the VA program, Point Man presents them with some materials, such as a spiritual survival kit, a Point Man devotional book, a personalized name plaque and a “forgiven” dog tag.
Point Man International Ministries is a tax exempt, not-for-profit faith ministry that was incorporated in 1984 for the purpose of addressing and meeting the spiritual, physical and social needs of veterans and their families the world over. Point Man is supported by gifts from churches, veterans and friends. Please consider partnering with us today. Gifts can be sent to:
Outpost Leader: Gene Roles
Home Front Leader: Karolyn Roles
[email protected]
5420 SW Fairlawn Road
Topeka, Ks. 66610